Custom internal tools for your business

Backofficely delivers internal tools and dashboards for customer support, data management, and business insights.

retool internal tools dashboards

Everything you need

Our key services that sets your business apart

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Your backoffice won’t play catchup anymore.

We utilise low code platforms like Retool to provide you with the fastest requirement to code flow.

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Your own data – ease of integration

Our platform utilises directly your data, making it seamless to integrate with your existing system, it really is just a few clicks.

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We train your users, so you don’t have to.

Our dashboards and admin panels are so easy to use that barely any training is needed, but if it is, we will provide it.

View and manage your customers

Customer support dashboards

We build user-friendly customer support dashboards and admin panels that empower your agents to efficiently handle their daily tasks. 

retool internal tools dashboards
feature flag management dashboard built in retool

UI configuration IS a breeze

Frontend UI/UX management

We can develop admin panels that allows you to manage frontend configurations, such as feature flags, promotions to show, banners, notifications… 


Admin Panels / Database analytics

With Backofficely, you can greatly reduce the need for employees to run manual CLI commands, which are not only time-consuming but also prone to errors. Our one-click solutions ensure efficiency and accuracy, allowing you to focus on what truly matters – growing your business.

Database management dashboard built in Retool

Ready to get started?

Schedule a FREE 1-1 meeting with us – no commitment to see how we can help you solve your problems and make your business more efficient with our admin panels and dashboards. 


Frequently Asked Questions

What are Internal Tools?

example of an internal tools dashboard

Internal tools are a set of apps and software that is used within a business and does not face customers. Internal Tools are mostly utilised for customer service, business operation and assisting developer work (e.g. feature flag management tool)

What stack should you use to build internal tools?

retool image

To build internal tools, we utilise and recommend low code tools, like Retool and Appsmith. These platforms provide great customization, since they still allow you to add code, but at the same time they speed at the process significantly, allowing you to keep up with your ever-changing product requirements.

Should you outsource internal tools?

You should absolutely consider outsourcing your internal tools and back-office system. In our experience, businesses that do not outsource their back-office and internal tools tend to leave a lot of productivity behind. Their back-office ends up being an after thought, playing catch-up with the more important core business.


Not ready for a meeting? Contact us instead.

Our services are extremely customizable to fit your specific need: from a single dashboard to a more broad custom admin panel solution

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